What It’s Really Like To… Have A Doula
This Morning’s resident GP, Dr Zoe Williams, had spent enough time working in obstetrics to feel that an elective caesarean would probably be her choice of birth - but after enlisting the support of a doula she elected for a homebirth. Williams explains why, and how the decision changed her whole approach to birth in a letter to her doula, Leti Tufari.
Dr Zoe Williams and partner Stuart with baby Lisbon Lion
Where to even start with explaining just how important Leti was in supporting Stuart and I to have the most incredible birth experience.
As a GP who has previously worked in obstetrics and gynaecology for six months I started my pregnancy with a very medicalised view of childbirth. I had always thought that I would choose to have an elective c-section as this would be the best way of controlling the birth and ensuring, ultimately, that I did not have an assisted instrumental delivery, which I was keen to avoid at all costs.
By the time we met Leti (and Lauren, another lovely doula who worked alongside Leti in the antenatal period) I had already started to reconsider my original thoughts around a Caesarean. As my body had changed throughout pregnancy I had grown in confidence that I would be able to give birth without medical intervention, and started to consider that the best way to ensure that my birth would progress without complication or intervention might be to give birth at home. Very unusual for a doctor! But throughout my pregnancy the doctor inside me got quieter and the maternal side of me got much louder.
Leti and Lauren provided so much support in so many ways, everything from providing research papers and up-to-date data on homebirth versus hospital birth outcomes, the antenatal education sessions that taught us all of the crucial knowledge about normal birth (which I hadn’t been taught at medical school) through to helping me maintain my autonomy when it was recommended, by obstetricians, that I be induced at 39-40 weeks because of my age (I was a very fit and healthy 41).
In the end those conversations were irrelevant as I went into labour 10 days before my due date. During the birth itself, Leti was invaluable. To be honest I do not know how we would’ve done without her. My birth lasted only 10 hours from first contractions to Lisbon being in my arms. She arrived a couple of hours before he was born, helped Stuart with the pool (which didn’t have the right tap connectors) - which was ready in the nick of time, but most importantly provided us both with so much encouragement and reassurance which was essential as the midwives did not arrive until after he was born. It turned out we didn’t need any medical assistance thankfully, as Leti provided what we both needed in order to bring our baby boy into the world in the most beautiful way possible.
We will forever be grateful for the support, knowledge, encouragement and confidence that Leti gave us. It’s been such an honour to work with you and the Doula Association and I am committed to continue to help spread the word about all the incredible work that doulas do. Good luck also with all your charitable work, especially in providing birth companions to those in such desperate need.
Zoe, Stuart & Lisbon xxx
Leti Tufari is a member of The Doula Hub and The Doula Association.